Gather Information from PhoneNumbers Using PhoneInfoga

3 min readJul 4, 2020


Hey guys,
Welcome back, in this blog, we are going to see how to get more information from a phone number through OSINT using a tool called PhoneInfoga.

It is an advanced tool which scans phone number using only free resources. First it fetches the information about career, country, area etc.., and then use Search Engine Fingerprinting to identify the owner.

The beauty of the tool is it is built in Python, so you can run it in any platform, even Termux.

For Indian numbers, you mostly get the Country, Area and Career not much, though that is itself is a lot of information.

Lets get started.

First clone the repository,

git clone

Then lets move on to the directory to see its contents.

cd PhoneInfoga
Directory Contents

And yeah what we do when see a requirements file, install all the requirements.

pip install -r requirements.txt

If pip is not in your PATH and only python does, do it as follows,

python3 -m pip install -r requirements
Installing Requirements

Having installed all the requirements, we need to create the config file. There is a sample config file already provided as If you know and understand Python, go ahead and edit the config file to fit your needs, else, just copy the same config file with the defaults.


Thats it!, all set. Now you can run the script.

To test it lets try printing the version.

python3 -v
Running PhoneInfoga

Now come to the interesting part, we can fetch the Phone number information using the -n flag as,

python3 -n <PhoneNumber with country code>
Getting the Phone Number information

Don’t think the image is not loading :), it is a blur image. Though you can see all info :) This is a great tool to get some info from a phone number, go ahead and clone the repository run with the -h flag to see what more it can do.

Ok Friends, I need a small help from you, please comment the part that you didn’t like in this blog and comment on any topic you want me to write. You can also contact me in twitter @n00bie4

Thanks for reading. Hope you learned something.

If you have any problem, watch this video

